Has anyone tried the new McIntosh CD changer?

The MCD205? Thanks!
Are they really making a new changer? Did you see it somewhere, and if so, where? Thanks,
It is called the MCD 205 and can be viewed at The McIntosh website. I'd be interested in hearing some feedback on it
I look forward to reading the comments of people who have actually heard the piece. In the meantime I did a little research about the transport mechanism. It is Nakamichi's 'Music Bank' system. If you have a dealer that carries any of Nak's stuff you can go and see one of their changers and get a pretty good idea of how it works. It received discs like a car stereo does, and sorts the discs out on its own inside the mechanism. it is faster and a bit different than an internal magazine. It is really pretty smooth. The thing i have never liked about changers that keep the CD's inside (as opposed to a carousel thay you can pull out and see the discs) is that you can't see the discs.

I offerred this to keep the thread going; I really do hope to hear some audition reports though. My local dealer says they are not getting one anytime soon so for now I will have to rely on the testimony of others. Unfortunately my dealer is more home theatre oriented.
Everyone is waiting to hear about this CD player! I started this thread and I was looking for more than I already know. I heard the CD changer when I demo'ed the McIntosh integrated amps; it was the source. But I wasn't looking intot CD players at the time so I didn't focus on it. It sounded very good to my memory. The DACs are Crystal 24/96.
I recently purchased the 205 changer. It is not fully burned in yet -- I've got about 72 hours on it. So far the sound is very smooth. Plenty of bass, lots of midrange, and appealing, though not bright, highs. One of the more coherent presentations i've heard from a CDP. My sense is that the player is getting better sounding every 10 hours or so.

I also own a 6900 integrated and there is definitely a synergy between the components. For what its worth, I find myself buying more CD's, and worrying a bit less about whether I have the best digital or not.

The changer is a bit noisy, but I have not had a changer yet, carousel or internal, that wasn't. It is no noisier than any other changer I've heard and is definitly faster than any other I have had.