Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence

I ordered a Sota Cosmos turntable and am going to get a ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. I am looking for a great arm that is not high maintenence or finiky. I don't want to have to adjust it with each playing, or to add oil every time I use it.

The arms I'm interested in right now are the TriPlaner, Graham 2.2, or the SME IV, but I'm open to suggestions. The new arm with replace a Rega RB 900.

Give me your what and why...
Dear Gmorris: As all we know is not exist the " best tonearm " , like many things in audio all is " relative " and in the tonearm subject there are many issues around that can define the " best one ".

When we are comparing tonearm " names " like: Graham, Triplanar, SME, Breuer, Schroeder, Audiocraft, Brinckman, Pluto, Audio Note, Moerch, Wilson Benesch, Basis, Air Tangent, Kuzma, etc.., we have to compare " around the stage system " where that tonearm is working, here the most important ( maybe ) issue is with: which cartridge.

I own all my tonearms and cartridges not because I wnat to be a " collector " item, but because that give me the opportunity to " test " one cartridge with severals tonearms till I find which one is the " best match " combo for to have the greates sound reproduction with that particular cartridge. When I find it I never think that this " best match " tonearm is better than the others, it is only the best match with that cartridge, that's all.
Till today I never find a tonearm that have the consistense that with that tonearm any cartridge sounds always better.

So, your statement that: +++++ " The Phantom exceeds the 2.2 in every musical category, " +++++, is a " relative " one not an absolute one. I can assure you that with the right combination the 2.2 can " beat " the Phantom and that don't means that the 2.2 is better than the Phantom.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Sir speedy,

I'm going to have to agree with Gmorris. The Phantom is far superior to the 2.2.

The tracking abilities of the Phantom blow away the 2.2

Try one!

Hey guys,why don't you read my post a little more carefully!I ALWAYS state that my impressions are "opinion".I also was clear that things are a matter of taste,and that is why I made the statement about the Phantom being massive,which it definitely IS TO ME!!!Also I have auditioned it on two occassions,and it sounded great.So?

I also believe I CLEARLY STATED that any potential doubts I may have had about the Phantom were "probably wrong",as I don't like to knock any product,unless I have owned it for a length of time.I don't take myself all that seriously,in this forum,and am only having fun corresponding with fellow hobbyists.

Splashkin,I know you are happy with the Phantom,as you have stated this to me in the past,and I TOTALLY believe you,when you praise it's performance.It has been obvious from previous correspondence that you are a well adjusted and decent guy,with a sense of humor.I hope all is well,and wish you the best!BTW-I still love your Basis!

Gmorris,I do take your comments as having a bit of a "goading and antagonistic edge".Believe me I don't want to create ill will with ANY hobbyist on this forum,but lighten up!Your "there you go again" statement does not seem to sway towards the friendly!I hope you are a bit more mature than some hobbyists,that I've seen in Audiogon who start a verbal assault because someone doesn't like (BTW-I do happen to like the Phantom,but my 2.2 is proven,by my own experience,which could very well migrate towards a Phantom at some future point)something the other guy owns.That is ABSURD,and I'm NOT accusing you of this.Just don't take my "opinions" so seriously.I,myself,don't!If you like stuff you own,then that's it.Nobody can dictate what someone should like.But we're free to make comments,which is what this forum is all about!Someone correct me if I'm wrong!I'm just a yutz,who likes the hobby,and has some experience with a couple of products,as well as some harmless opinions.Anyone who thinks differently is taking this forum WAY too seriously!!Best wishes!

BTW-I agree with Raul!!
Thanks for the kind words Sirspeedy.

If we get back to the original question requesting a tonearm of low maintenance, then the Graham 2.2 or Phantom does the job.

This weekend I listened to a number of my old Mercury Living Presence stereo recordings with the Phantom. I was amazed at the increased tracing ability and rendering of information I had never heard before on these recordings. The first Mercury stereo recordings with early matrix were tough to track. Not for the Phantom-Koetsu Jade Platinum. Of course, a Zenith Cobra would also do an excellent job!

Best Wishes,

You know Sirspeedy, sometimes with your obfuscations you come across like a politician. I tend to be upfront with my comments. The fact is that you have never heard the Schroeder but perhaps the Phantom (which you claimed “sounded great”); yet you are willing to recommend exploring the Schroeder based on reputation and design whereas you are dismissive of the Phantom based on your erroneous conjecture that it may be too MASSIVE for low mass/high compliance cartridges. I said, “Here we go again” because many words were expended in a previous thread discussing this issues (including a lengthy explanation from the manufacturer). I found it odd that on a thread were someone was seeking recommendation on possible arms that you would raise this conjecture.

Are you positioning yourself for a nice accommodation price on a possible future Schroeder purchase?

By the way Raul, I own three arms: Zeta, 2.2 and the Phantom.