Has anyone tried the new McIntosh CD changer?

The MCD205? Thanks!
McIntosh MCD205 Changer. When using "digital" output to DAC the unit produces a static pop as CD begins play and is very disturbing to the ear. McIntosh is aware of this problem and indicated that they aren't sure if/when they can solve this flaw. Shame on them. Unit works fine with RCA outputs, but the music is not as sweet as when playing CD through the DAC.
MCD205 Static Pop Update (my thread of 7-30-02). McIntosh contacted me today (5Aug)that they have solved the Pop problem and requested that I send my unit back for modification. I have lifted the "Shame on them" marker; however, they still should have caught this problem before putting this unit out on the market.
That digital-out problem is great to know in case someone is planning to use this player with a DAC. The player has both coaxial and toslink digital outs.

I suspect for people really looking for ultimate digital playback, they will want to use this player with a DAC. For above average general listening this is a great changer. I find myself listening to more jazz than I ever have with this player, which is great. Good Luck,

I hooked up my 205 to an MSB Platinum Plus DAC yesterday and did not experience any of the static pop problems Goodsie mentioned (atleast not yet). Perhaps it is not a systemic problem. I'll update if anything changes.
I disconnected the MSB DAC to remind myself what the 205 sounded like. You know, it sounds great! Really. I don't think the DAC was a big enough of an improvement to warrant keeping it, and in fact, I think the sound of the 205 is more open and less dark than with the Platinum. I have sold the MSB and am thinking of putting the money toward an upgrade of speakers or maybe a SACD player.

This just goes to show you that you have to live with your equipment for a while to get to know it and fully appreciate all it can do.