Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence

I ordered a Sota Cosmos turntable and am going to get a ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. I am looking for a great arm that is not high maintenence or finiky. I don't want to have to adjust it with each playing, or to add oil every time I use it.

The arms I'm interested in right now are the TriPlaner, Graham 2.2, or the SME IV, but I'm open to suggestions. The new arm with replace a Rega RB 900.

Give me your what and why...

In response to your last comments to me,and REDICULOUS conclusion,as to my intent!
#1-Phantom vs Schroeder--you have a point!
#2-I specifically stated that I thought the Phantom probably was a great arm.Did I not?I also stated that it looked massive to me!Which it does!What the heck is the problem here?It's my freakin' taste!Actually,since you seem to be so damn condescending,I "think"(my opinion,which means nothing,and I'm sure I'm NOT impacting sales)my 2.2(and it's arm mass) will perform better with my cartridge,on my vacuum table;and I don't care that you have a Helikon,that sounds fine with an arm that you clearly have so much attachment to.Good for you!How dare I speak to my feelings,that OTHERS know is to be taken with a grain of salt,anyway.That was my advise to NRCHY,as well.So tough luck if I hit on a nerve,and you have decided to impress me with your propensity for arrogance.

#3-Your inference that I may be trying to position myself for a possible accommodation price on a Schroeder is so laughable that I "just have to love you" for making the accusation.
I have one child in the fourth year of med school,and another in the first year of graduate school.I have a mortgage,employees that actually like me(I pay all med/insurance expenses,and offer 3 week vacations,after 1 year),and have positioned myself to have a satisfying existence,with as little aggravation as possible.In other words-I haven't got alot of loose cash lying around,as of now.If I was to consider adding any additional expenses,after what I have spent on this hobby over these last few years,it would be ME not my wife who would have myself committed!Also,I really like the 2.2.

BTW-I have been gracious towards the Schroeder line because I think it looks like a finely designed and made product,has gotten tons of acclaim and because Frank Schroeder comes off as a very engaging guy, "committed" to his products(as I know Bob Graham is)and customers.If you have a problem with any of this,than all I can say is "TOUGH LUCK"!!

The arms you're considering are all low "maintenance". Once set up there's little to do. The Graham 2.2 does require damping fluid and getting it right is critical. But once you've got it things should remain stable, at least until you change cartridges. The TriPlanar and some SME IV's have a damping trough, but unlike the Graham you don't have to use it. We haven't found it helpful on our TriPlanar. I cleaned the oil out months ago and the trough just sits there empty.

Whether you adjust arm height (or anything else) for each record has little to do with your tonearm. It has much to do with your cartridge, your ears and your listening preferences.

Cartridges with micro-ridge or line contact styli (including ZYX) are more sensitive to SRA than cartridges with elliptical styli, which in turn are more sensitive than cartridges with conical styli. If you truly want to set-and-forget then choose a Grado or a Denon 103. You won't need to adjust very much because they won't respond to the adjustments anyway. Of course you won't hear all the music either. That's the tradeoff.

Getting the very best sound from vinyl does require working at it. Anyone who says otherwise has a limited system or limited ears. If you're happy with and relaxed about a notch or two less than top performance that's perfectly fine of course. You can save yourself a lot of work, and a lot of money too.
Doug and others, other than the recommendation for the SME because Sota uses it a lot, do any of you think one of these arms will be appreciably better than the others with my Cosmos and ZYX Airy 3 combination?
As I said, the Wheaton is the best arm I've every owned. It is mounted on a TNT-6 Hotrod. Of all the arms you've mentioned, I feel the SME would provide the most synergistic match with the Sota.
Nrchy, I had both the SME and the Graham on my SOTA for several months--they use the same SOTA board!--so I had time to compare them with a variety of cartridges, though not the ZYX.

My experience was that both arms work extremely well with the SOTA but the Graham was slightly superior to the SME in most respects: better sound (bass), better adjustments (VTA on the fly) and greater ease of use.

I sold the SME and kept the Graham.