Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence

I ordered a Sota Cosmos turntable and am going to get a ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. I am looking for a great arm that is not high maintenence or finiky. I don't want to have to adjust it with each playing, or to add oil every time I use it.

The arms I'm interested in right now are the TriPlaner, Graham 2.2, or the SME IV, but I'm open to suggestions. The new arm with replace a Rega RB 900.

Give me your what and why...
Maybe at some future point,if you ever decide to report on it,you may want to list some of your "more unique" LP acquisitions over time.I'm really interested in this,as it can lead to some "newer" musical experiences,that I'm always looking for.

Sirspeedy, I'm not sure if this comment is in reference to something specific... What is your area of interest? I'm confused.
Just some different types of music(unique instruments,or arrangements).EX:Russo's "Street Music".On DG label.This is a classicly influenced blues cto,for harmonica,blues piano,and string bass/with orchestra.It is incredible,and out of the norm!Also,it was just a suggestion.You really don't need to follow up,but it would be nice for all of us to,maybe,add something about a new LP,that may be of interest to others.Just food for thought.Regards!
Sirspeedy - I'm a little frustrated right now. I bought a stack of vinyl right before I sold off the Rega and Benz. I had just bought Simon and Garfunkel "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on four single sided 200 gram 45 rpm lps. I also got Rosemary Clooney, and Jacintha on 200 gram 45's and Sonny Rollins, and Dave Brubeck's Time Out" on four single sided 200 gram 45's.

I have several LP I bought in Dallas when I went to visit Albert Porter and Lugnut to which I have not yet listened.

Thanks for causing me to bring to mind all these bitter memories!!!
Nrchy,I'm assuming your frustrated over the wait time to receive your table/arm combo.I have NO sympathy towards you here.As I complained to Larry(CELLO),last winter,my Cosmos update journey took a LONG time.I mean many months to get it to where I wanted it to be!No fun!!That's one reason to have a good CD player.

The GOOD news---It REALLY was worth it,for me.As you will find out in time.Remember that you are dealing with small companies.They are really "specialty" operations,and need our patience to "Do their thing".

Kirk is a fabulous guy,but he IS Sota.He is hands on with everything,in that small,yet high quality operation.So,it takes a bit longer to get things done.The upside is their products are underpriced(especially the Cosmos)and are built to an heirloom standard.My previous Cosmos ran flawlessly for 12 years,not even needing a new belt,until I upgraded to the series III,which is "on another planet" in performance.Your frustrations will be short lived.Of that I'm confident.Now go get some new music!

Ha! I want to listen to the music I already have. I talked to Kirk today, probably for longer than I should. When he's talking to me, he's not working on the next table. This is my second time around with them. I bought a Star a few years ago and was so happy with Donna and Kirk that I couldn't jump ship. I met Donna at CES this year. It was fun to put a face with the name and voice I spent so much time with on the phone. They are great people.

Supposedly the table will be done around the end of the month!