Long Speaker Wire Runs

I've got a bizarre configuration...Arcam CD73 to Plinius 9200 to a set of Totem Winds...But, here's the bizarre part...

The Winds are about 40' away from the Plinius. Because of the configuration of the house, and the space in the room where the speakers are, we have this limitation.

Any thoughts on good speaker cable that I can buy in very lengthy runs that won't cost me a cajillion dollars???

I'd buy some knukonceptz 10 ga silver plated wire with the PE insulation. It'll work fine and is only 2 bucks a foot, no terminations though. You can get terminations here on agon.
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If a cajillion is out of yer range, what about something for a few bazillion?
Try Belden in bulk; good insulation and available in 12g. You may wish to review this McIntosh Lab test report of speaker wire gauge and length and performance results.

There is a table showing the recommended gauge for specific lengths of wire runs at this site.

I use 30' runs of 12ga continous cast copper from Vampire Wire (Sound Connections). Just a red and a black insulated run to each speaker with quality spades on each end.