Head Cleaning Fluid

I've just received my "new" to me Akai 747 reel to reel recorder. Beautiful! With aluminum Quantegy 499 reels it looks just great!
I have a question regarding what should I use to clean the heads. I've read on Internet that many Pro's recommend 99% Alcohol for the heads. And just moistened cotton swab for rubber wheels. I would like to ask you opinion before I start messing around.
I also purchased Teac demagnetizer. There is an instruction included there on how to use it properly. But I've heard many people are skeptic about demagnetizing the heads. Thanks in advance!
Radio shack sells actual tape head cleaner in 2 fl. oz. bottles. The ingredients are Isopropanol, Ethanol, and Methanol. It's $4.99. The number is 44-1113.
You can also clean the heads with a small piece of lint free cotton cloth wrapped around a Q-tip. Sometimes Q-tips like to leave remnants of themselves on the heads.
Alcohol or tape head cleaner will dry out the rubber parts. A lot of people use Formula 409 on the rubber parts.

Good luck with the player and better luck finding some reasonably priced reels!
Make sure alcohol content is 99% or higher to avoid oxidation due to residual water standing on the head for prolong period of time. Drug store sells both 99+% & 70% alcohol, 70% is for disinfecting (99% alcohol is not effective in killing germs).
I have a restored Teac Reel to Reel.Only use a cleaner recommended for the rubber rollers.If you use Alcohol in any form for the rollers they will dry out and crack.Use MG Chemicals Rubber Renue.This is a rubber restorer and works great on pinch rollers and other rubber parts.
I picked mine up at the local electronic shop.
The Last Company may still sell a tape head cleaner.I know they use to sell a specialised cleaner for the heads that would reduce wow and flutter across the heads as well.
Michael Percy may have this in his catalog.I know Radio Shack sells tape head cleaner as well.