Hi Bob: Certainly no insult intended to you-always enjoy reading your posts. I'm perhaps a bit unusual around here in the sense that I'm just trying to pull every last bit of performance out of reasonably cheap (but not necessarily bad or bad sounding) gear. That being said, it's a bit weird to think that I have more money tied up in the power cord that feeds my line conditioner and two outlets than my digital front end. I've also listened to a couple of systems (one at the dealer and one in a private home) in the past few months that were worth, at retail, about 10X what I have invested, and, yes, they were better, but not so much better to make me want to lay down the cash, even if I had it. I can remember when Ivor Tienenbraun's "the source is most important" was very controversial. Perhaps "power" is the true source and this is just being realized now. Probably also controversial.