Electrical outlet upgrade worth it?

I live in an apartment. I am currently working on purchasing PC's and conditioners/filters. Question is:

I do not have a dedicated circuit nor do I want to put one in at the apartment. As such, would upgrading the outlet which my audio goes into be beneficial or a waste of $$$?

Thank you everyone for your comments. I DO believe that upgrades such as outlets, cords, etc. can (and do) make a difference.

I just wasn't sure if upgrading an outlet without a dedicated line would do anything.

Thank you.


The 6.50 Pass and Seymour s all 99% of the ane members will ever need. The bigger dollar stuff is ego builder.

As an Engineer I can understand how / why DC-10's fly and aricraft carriers float; although still amazed when I see it. We see it everyday it is easily proven to our visionary (eyes)and auditory (ears) senses. However, differences in sound are much more difficult to assertain given the subjectivness of short / long term hearing memory and the unreliability associated with it. This is not to say you don't hear the improvements or the lack thereof that you state. I am simply stating a scientific fact that hearing memory is extremely unreliable and subjective at best. The problem is exacerbated further given the fact that you can not directly A / B the component or outlet in this case. You must shut the equipment down change the outlet in some cases and then power everything back up and then do the comparison. What I am saying is there is a time lag between the events (comparisons) unless someone has figured a way around this. This time lag makes the event even more diffeicult to evaluate and the reults even more unreliable; scientifically and statistically speaking.

Now having said that. I am not doubting your comments or the improvements you state. And I am not looking to solicite a bunch of negative comments from any of you. You hear what you hear, all scientific mumbo / jumbo aside, and as long as you enjoy the music that is what is important.
I heard a small improvement when going from standard residential to Hubbell 20A hospital grade. I heard no improvement swapping the Hubbel for various Leviton and Bryant industrial and commercial outlets. I heard a meaningful improvement with the PS Audio powerpoint, which I was skeptical about. At $50, I figured it was not going to improve over the Hubbell by much, but I have now bought PowerPoints for the whole system, and I'm thinking about my theater next. I have not tried the more expensive/cryo'd models.
Sek, you are the one who is not contributing to this posters question in a constructive way. I do have an excuse as I do know something about you since I have researched your postings here and they are this same kind of lame second hand mid fi drivel. If,in fact,you had listened to any of the products mentioned in this post you would be informing us of your findings, not just sniveling about the fact that I happen to have called your bluff! The point is that If you in fact do not have any evidence or experience in this matter, but just choose to spew out an uninformed opinion, it is not fair to Mattybumpkin, who may not have picked up on the fact that you are trying to undermine his effort to improve his enjoyment of listening to music. Why not open your mind Sek? If you didn't have such blatent disrespect for the posters here who have constructive findings to report you too might benefit from their efforts. I make no claim to have listened to any outlets in my system. You don't see me touting one otulet over another here, or doing as you have done and dismising the idea as worthless without any background. I am open to ideas! I will install one soon and I will carefuly and thoughtfuly read the comments of posters who's research and careful listening I respect and value. So Sek, I find it sad that you and others of your ilk are unable to contribute to this forum in a manner that is other than counterproductive. The information here is given in a very generous fashion. These people aren't forced to disclose their findings. They could keep them a secret and gloat they they are the keepers of the some sort of esoteric truth.

Sek,I looked at you system as it is listed and it seems to be very high value components that with some of the knowledge available to you here could improve in ways that would enhance your listening experience. You elude to the fact that an outlet is an expense for people with money to burn. How much have you spent on your gear now? If, say a $50 outlet let you realize a great deal more of the potential of system, would that not be a fraction of what you have arleady invested? It seems to me like that would represent a real value. I might think that the friend(perhaps he is an imaginary friend) of yours you keep mentioning in posts with the tube gear might be valuable in offering his opinion on this topic and perhaps able to install such a device if you if you don't feel comfortable doing it. Or perhaps you have no more respect for his opinion than you do for the posters here? (I read something about "braging rights in some circles",it seems like it could be a put down of your "friend", or perhaps you are just envious of his ability to be a free thinker and keep an open mind? It also implies that your good for the money NAD sounds as good as anything available at any price.)

Again, Sek, I give you a chance to redeam yourself by informing us of the outlets you have tried and why you found them to be of little value. I am here to learn and am looking forward to hearing more about your tests and your scientific method? I am only here to learn and if you can teach me something useful about this topic I will give it equil consideration. If you have no ammo on this topic come clean, and I might respect you for being honest.

I try to contribute to this forum in a constructive way and sometimes the best way I know of to do that is to directly challenge others statements. I am not in a popularity contest. I say to you Sek,Please stay constructive or stay away!

from "The Further Misadventures of Maxgain,B.S. Detector"