phono preamps with a subsonic filter?

Anybody wanna throw me some suggestions? Is it possible to build one into an existing preamp somehow? Are they left out because they taint the overall sound, or just because most folks don't need 'em? I've got a couple of records that make the woofers in my speakers move in scary ways, like they're trying to detach themselves from their baskets.
No band-aid, a subsonic filter is essential if you're using a good subwoofer -- or your main speakers extend really low -- and you're trying to play vinyl. There's all kinds of subterranean garbage on LPs that the engineers probably didn't even know they were recording. Like those subway trains that are all too audible on many early London (English Decca) LPs recorded at Kingsway.

One thing sure, if your woofers are trying to play this stuff, they're definitely screwing up the sound of the low frequencies you WANT to hear. Dave
Another point to consider when dealing with sub-sonics and the woofer dance is to be sure that your amps can supply PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of current. Even though you don't hear anything, it is taking a boat load of amps to move those woofers.
Dopogue, Apparently my response was ambiguous.

FWIW, my reference to a "bandaid" was to using a subsonic filter to mask a problem in the cartridge/arm matchup. The effect of mis-match will creep up into the audible frequencies if you don't correct the problem - by using a subsonic filter you just stop the woofers obvious flapping.

As to using a subsonic filter to solve software encoded information problems, do what works for you. I was just pointing out that mine did not work for me with the problem the original poster was referring to.

But here's a thought - if you can actually hear it in playback its probably not really subsonic, so a filter meant to really apply to the subsonic frequencies might not extend high enuf to affect audible frequencies. Perhaps my filter was truly a subsonic filter which rolled off before it got to the 20hz zone. Don't have the stats on the filter so I really don't know. Just a thought mind you......
Distortions caused by subsonics are audible. Though the filter can cause some vailing it is still preferable to the distortion and speaker/amplifier demands caused by subsonics. If it is important to you to be able to deactivate the filter for good recordings it may be worth while to get one that uses a switch rather than jumpers to activate the filter. However I would prefer to have a phono-pre that does everything well (Project Phono Box SE or Tube Box) than one the just has the capability to switch quickly. Even with the subsonic filter implemented on one of these phono-pres you are likely to see an improvement over anything cheaper that offers subsonic filter.

Good luck!
Hey everybody, thanks for your responses. I'd prefer a tubed phono pre, so I may look at the Pro-Ject model or the Quicksilver. Thanks again, Jeff.