I have tried a Denon DCD2560 CDP, A Revox B226, a Studer A727, and A Pioneer DV05 as transports for my EVS millenium dac 2. ALl of the CDPs (no matter how old) ended up sounding better than the DVD as transport. The most noticeable difference was in the bass. The Studer (and Revox, which are similar) were noticeabley better than the Denon even though they were five or so years older. I eventually got a Sony CDP that was modified by EVS for use as a transport and that was better than all of the above by far. I believe it all comes down to jitter. I never noticed that my Studer sounded "bad" while I was using it...probably because it didn't. It was only when I put the EVS transport in that I realized how much information was not being passed (or lost?) by the other players.
To answer your question...yes, transports may be less volatile. The DAC may account for more of the "signature" sound, but the transport is still very important. The DAC should make all transports sound better than they did as a standalone player. A good transport (or player with a good transport inside) brings things up another notch.
To answer your question...yes, transports may be less volatile. The DAC may account for more of the "signature" sound, but the transport is still very important. The DAC should make all transports sound better than they did as a standalone player. A good transport (or player with a good transport inside) brings things up another notch.