Interconnect downstream flow

My question revolves around interconnect prioritization. My bias would be to put the best interconnect from the souce, (CD player) to the pre-amnp and the lesser interconnect from the pre-amp to the amplifier. Obviously I can switch myself and listen but was looking for rationale as to why one placement would be be stonger than the other. I'd love to have the same cables all around but I have to build up one set at a time so in the meantime would be interested in where others place their strongest performing cable. In this case it's the Audience AU 24 and the Audience Maestro.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
Your bias is correctomundo! The best should be on the source.
Happy Listening!
I would think any information lost between the source and the pre, could not be recovered or recreated down stream, no matter how much better that cable was.

I pick door "B" best cable between the source and pre, to retain as much of the original material as possible.
The system is only as good as the weakest link. If sound information is to be lost due to the cable, it doesn't matter if you have it below the source or below the preamp - you won't be retaining the "original material" anyway.

However, there still could be a better cable for either the source/preamp or the preamp/amp. This would be the case for cable capacitance and resistance susceptibility of your components. In this case, empirical testing stomps opinionated or developed rationale. Good luck!