Virtual Dynamics Power Cords Master Series

I am looking for a very good power cord for a CEC TL-1X transport. I have read only about these power cords and was wondering if anybody has any expereince with them. I am interested in their Master Series cord. My price range ia about $1,000 used....$2,000 used.
Bark, what did you think of the Virtual Dynamics Master power cord. I noticed you posted twice but did not mention your experience with them. I would love to try the Master series of cables. Anyone wanna trade for some Purist Venustus PCs?
I have a interesting story to tell,my girlfreind in not a audiophile as a matter of fact she listens to my system maybe once every 4 to 6 weeks.I have changed my amps from the cat Jl1s to the JL3s,my cable from transparent reference to the opus,my cartridge from the Koetsu Onyx Platinum to the Jade platinum Diamond and my speakers from Edilons to Edilon Diamonds and she never really appreciated the difference in sound,Only (It sound good).
2 weeks ago I changed my 5 power cords froms Nbs statement extreme to Virtual Dynamics Revelation,and we are listening and she goes what did you do it sounds like it did at Giant Stadium.(she works the concerts at the stadium).What she was trying to say in her own Best Buy electronics kind of way was that it sounded like live music.I can not think of a higher compliment from someone that thought my eidilon diamonds cost 1000 dollars.They are magic.I am talking about the pcs,I have not heard the interconnect or speaker cables.
Strapper211- I would hope that spending over $20K on power cords would produce some "magic," I just wonder if applying VD's SOL inside your components could have produced the same results.
Kana,I wonder who gave the SOL to you in the first place?? I thought that your review on the Master digital cable was almost accurate since your system only had one VD cable in it. I have made many mistakes in assuming that a cable was responsible for problems in the sound ,when it actually turned out to be my equipment stand that was responsible.The cable was able to show that detriment and I had to realise where it originated from. Unless you have had an all Vd system, how can you review a single cable and be sure that the results aren't being edited by the other cables. Also the SOL circuit is just part of what makes these cables so special, ferrite beading as well as solid core copper, cryoed ,cooked for break in.Strapper 211 is just at the tip of the icebrg with the pc, the ic's will show how far one can go( yes the Rev is expensive, but judging from Strapper211 system; I think he is ok with that).Kana I can't help but feel, that you may have had some bad experiences outhere, and think that a more fair approach would yield a possible Revelation-Take care Dennis
Dennis - First, I'm glad you & Strapper211 are happy with your VDs.

I stand by what I said in my "almost accurate" Master AES review posted over 8 months ago. Have you heard a 5M Master AES or a 5M Au24 AES in your system?

I've discussed the review, the single issue cable issue and the latest SOL developments with Rick.

I'm sorry, but I can't buy into the idea that you need to completely rewire your system before you can evaluate a single cable. If that's the case with VDs or any other cable company, than they should never send out a single cable on trial.

I have nothing against Rick, I'm just not prepared to spend more cables, than I've spent on the entire system to hear
a "possible Revelation."

I've been trying different combinations of SOL inside my equipment for over year, so I'm familar with what it does.
Have you tried it inside your gear? Aloha, Dan