hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?

What is the difference ? Is it really worth ten times the price to get hospital grade receptacles ? Why ?
Is one brand really superior to another? Is Pass &
Seymore a good brand ? Hubble better ?
I am setting up a closet to house my mid-fi gear and
will be running two dedicated 20A. lines to run the
2-channel audio and the home entertainment equipment. I
will have two double (2 duplex receptacles) on each 20A
Thank you in advance.
Now, that was a perfect response to Saki70's question. I think that was what he was looking for. For the record, what you suggested was exactly the route I took when I began working on my listening room. I have used the "Porterports" and every other application you laid out in your post, with the exception of the Walker SST, which is on my "to do" list. I don't know nothin' 'bout no science involved but I can tell you that I do hear a difference from the "before" to the "after".

Setting all the arguments aside, If the user is willing to experiment with these tweaks and is willing to hear the difference, and does hear the difference, then THAT is all that matters. Power issues are part of the synergy of the complete system package. And in the end, the only one who needs to be satisfied, is the owner of said system.
Albertporter...OK I will try again.

I am not talking about component specs describing audio quality.

I am not talking about measurements of the electrical signal describing audio quality.

All I say, which no rational person can deny, is that a loudspeaker's sound is completely defined by the electrical signal applied to it, as processed by the particular loudspeaker's sonic signature. If the identical electrical waveform is applied to the speaker two times the sonic output is identical, and we don't have to actually listen to the sound to know that. As a result of this the EXISTANCE of any sonic effect due to a tweek, including outlets and power cords, can be determined objectively by observing the signal waveform.

EXISTANCE. EXISTANCE. EXISTANCE. I say nothing about whether any sonic effect is good or bad. IF, IF, IF, the electrical waveform does change THEN THEN THEN it is time ro roll up your superb system and give a listen.
Irv, for someone who hides behind a curtain of science (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain) and has distain((???) do you mean disdain) for anyone who who uses the scientific means of proving something, you certainly are critical of science. As I pointed out the scientific method of proof, is one which is observable, and repeatable. No, I am not a scientist, but I did get A's and B's in two years of college physics.

The ability to measure results has nothing to do with their validity. Albert is right when he points out that there are things around us every day that everyone accepts without question that cannot be measured or even understood.

The strangest thing about science, and people who claim to be conversant in scientific theory is that people who are doing 'cutting edge' research are far less dogmatic about any scientific theory than thier less knowledgable counterparts in the educational or business world.

If Albert and thousands of others have conducted the scientific experiment of replacing PC's, outlets, and/or cables and expereinced an observable, and repeated result, whose, experience has greater validity? The one who lectures from the lab table, or the one who conducted the experiment, and observed the results.

I'm with Psychic on this one!
Sorry, Saki70, I was having entirely too much fun. Isolated grounding is highly recommended, if only to make sure that the outlets are indeed grounded properly! You'd be surprised how may homes/apts have screwed up grounding.

One thing to watch for that annoyed a previous spouse... an electrician will install orange outlets for isolated ground circuits, unless you direct him differently. My spouse found the bright orange offensive.