hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?

What is the difference ? Is it really worth ten times the price to get hospital grade receptacles ? Why ?
Is one brand really superior to another? Is Pass &
Seymore a good brand ? Hubble better ?
I am setting up a closet to house my mid-fi gear and
will be running two dedicated 20A. lines to run the
2-channel audio and the home entertainment equipment. I
will have two double (2 duplex receptacles) on each 20A
Thank you in advance.

Albertporter...The notion that a degree in physics inhibits thought takes the cake.

I am simply applying Irvrobinsons version of the truth and arriving at a logical conclusion.

His degree is obviously an impediment. He refers to it, clings to it and tells us we need a BS in it, then describes measurements with volt-ohm meters as though they were the last word on this topic.

Worse, he believes we should stand in awe of his degree and accept his words of wisdom in spite of our own experiences and what has been proven in real world tests.

I suggest he contact Jeff Rowland, Richard Vandersteen, Tube Research, Kharma, McCormack audio and others that are misguided into believing that cable (including power cords) make a difference.

I'll bet they are waiting by their phones to be "saved." Perhaps you could help him by dialing the phone for him?
Irv: For a science guy, you seem to be getting caught in your own lies. A few posts above, you say it can be measured with a $50 multimeter, now you're saying I need some pretty heavy duty gear! You crack me up!

Not being a science guy, I could care less. But I can tell you, BASED ON EXPERIENCE, that the cables and outlets I had cryoed measured quite a bit differently following cryo. It was not my multimeter (who knows, it may not have even been a multimeter), but belonged to the cryo vendor where I have my stuff done. And yes, it appeared to be a very inexpensive device! If you want to really educate yourself (somehow I doubt it), you can do a web search for Bayson Heat Treating and contact Mark there. I'm sure he'd be happy to give you the measurements. As for me, I could care less about the measurements; I'm only interested in the sound.

FWIW, I use a $40 DVD player as my digital front end, DIY power cords that cost me about $100 each and an $80 interconnect. So, I'm coming at it from a slightly different angle than Albert, but ending up with the same conclusion.

Don't belittle something you have absolutely no experience with. It just makes you look foolish.
Tbg, I like your writing style. Your argument is a little screwed up, but great style! :)
Post removed 
I don't mind those who venture into the forums at Audiogon and say, "I prefer Nordost over Purist and Cardas." Or, "I tried a NBS power cord on my CD player and although it was better, I did not feel it was worth the investment."

Those are honest experiences, regardless if you agree or disagree with their conclusion.

What angers me are the "specification and numbers" types that have nothing better to do than smugly report that the sum of ALL our experience is an aberration because it was not covered in school.

I do not advocate anyone buy expensive cables, that is something each of us must decide for ourselves. THAT decision should be made in the end users system, based on listening.