hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?

What is the difference ? Is it really worth ten times the price to get hospital grade receptacles ? Why ?
Is one brand really superior to another? Is Pass &
Seymore a good brand ? Hubble better ?
I am setting up a closet to house my mid-fi gear and
will be running two dedicated 20A. lines to run the
2-channel audio and the home entertainment equipment. I
will have two double (2 duplex receptacles) on each 20A
Thank you in advance.
Quantumavman you obviously have not paid any attention to anything that has been said up till now. I have grabbed several physics books and they offer nothing to the subject being discussed.
Nrchy, you are right, of course, but Quant...does not want to be confronted by the facts. His argument is curious though as he argues that most things don't matter but that balanced does.
I tried plugging a physics book into a hospital-grade receptacle, but it made every album I played sound like "Irvrobinson's Greatest Hits."
Albertporter...When the dog barks the guy hears something else, because he wants to. He is happy. So am I with my dog who doesn't need human speach to communicate.

Let's move on :-)
HUBBELL model 8300IH is the non-plated, brass alloy, 20-amp Hubbell hospital grade receptacle, for those who may still care.