Mods : Fools Gold or the Real Thing

This thread is a spin-off of my previous thread about used transports (like "Frasier from Cheers"). Is modding a transport akin to alchemy or is it a poor man's road to a top-notch transport?
I can't speak for them all, but Dan Wright that modifies DVD players for use as a transport does nice work and is a great guy. He is an AudiogoN member as well (Dwright) so you can view his feedback. I am sure Dan would be glad to talk to you about what he does. A lot of information is also at his website and more specifically
Given what I've seen on AA relating to the superclock mods for the Sony SACD players and the sonic differences I've heard between well-made and flimsy transports, I'd say mods are the real deal. Remember that essentially everything you can buy retail is a compromise to meet a price point; a modifier who knows what he/she is doing can give a lot of bang for the buck in the way of improvements. The trade off is voiding the warranty on your unit, which may or may not be an issue depending on its age.