Hi Fi burnout.

Are you a victim of Hi-Fi burnout? A friend of mine who is "Into hi fi" recently called me to tell me he was selling all of his high end audio equipment! He was simply tired of keeping up with all the latest and greatest equipment trends. In his quest for the "Ultimate sound" he had upgraded several times at great expense. Sales people were only to happy to sell him what he "Needed" to "Really" improve his system. I think all told he accumulated some 150k in equipment!! What he forgot and lost sight of in his quest for the ultimate stereo, was to listen to the music!! Instead he would take pride in how great his speakers tweeter's sounded, and the the pages clipped out of various audio magazines that showed charts on his equipment and it's performance. He now owns a little Sony do it all portable stereo, and says he's happier for it because he's not so stressed about keeping up with all the new equipment. It's easy to see how this could happen. I look at my stereo equipment as a tool made for the extraction of music from vinyl or cd or tape. The music IS what matters and shall remain with us forever. In this day of hi tech accomplishments and super materials, you have to be very careful not to get sucked into the equipment junkie bottomless pit. Otherwise you could be spending some time at the Betty Ford Centre for recovering Audiophiles. What say you?
Work on your golf game. Healthier hobby until you get like I do and start changing drivers and shafts all the time....
Actually, I went through five preamps since April and settled with the TAD-150. I actually made money on the units that I bought and sold. I really like the sound of the TAD-150 on my Vandys. The only other thing tat i'm planning is to modify my McCormack DNA-1 to B level.

Funny you should mention that... I'm taking up golf right now...

Anyway, what was it about the TAD-150 that you like with the Vandies? I'm looking for a good preamp right now.
One can never burnt out on audiogon. I spend more time on the GON than listening to music. Very addictive
Once upon a time,I told my audiophile friends, Iam done,
to the point where, I want to change my phone number,
so they cant reach me,and tell me about their system.
I also thought of selling every audio component I have,
For one month I was not returning calls,this is the time
where Iam trying to figure out what cause my burn out,
Finally I made a conclusion that I was more excited
How my friend tells me, how my system sound,negative
comments, make me tune up my system more and more,
sometimes I got lucky, sometimes I mess up the system
musicality.It is when I started listening to the music
more and more,that I was able to recover from being burn
out,for a while I did not invite anyone to hear my
system, until Iam sure,its musical enough, whatever
they will say, Iam not gonna be affected.Sure enough
I am enjoying music now more than before, I countered by
buying expensive speakers, peamps, and cdp.Well today
Iam a very happy with my music and my system.Happy
Listening to all.If its your PASSION enjoy it.Thanks
for me it's a visous cycle shuffling between hifi, watch, golf, and trackdays...