Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
Gerryn, I had my Lamm L2 before the AA because my old reference Cd front end did not have the abiltiy to go straight into the amps. BUT, I have heard mixed opinions on whether the AA sounds better direct or through a high quality line stage (or, as Mike LaVigne uses it, with a Placette Passive).

So, if the AA sounds better without the necessity of a $14,000 line stage, I can sell it an buy LOTS of LPs or CDs or, God forbid, SAVE the $$$!! (NOT! I'll likely feed my addiction and illness and upgrade something else!).
Just tried to feed a Symphonic Line amp direct with my AA mk II (picked it up today...YEAH ! :)) and im getting awful static/background noise in the speakers. Is this usually the cause of impedance problems, or smthg else ? I have no problems when i put my AA in my Chord CPM 3300 (integrated).

hi Bad, is it in only one channel or both equally? maybe a loose connection?

i would try one channel at a time and switch things back and forth to isolate the problem. normally impedence would only affect dynamics and frequency balance and not add noise or static.

you could even run one channel thru the Symphonic Line and one thru the Chord to try to find the problem.

also try to plug in your power cords into different outlets to see if it might be some sort of power related issue. once i had a background buzz that turned out to be the interaction of a particular power cord with my amps.

i hope this helps.
Heard it in Paris this week and was blown away,,,place in the 19 env, Monde du cable,

was hook up to a very avg setup of Mac amps and boston acoustic speqkers,,,,,most excellent ,,,well worth a demo,,,


i am experiencing the same as you. As i run it into my integrated amp, if i put the AA volume at full force, i get clipping extremely quickly, as soon as i reach approx the lvl 10 (out of 99) of my amps volume level meter. And it gets loud very fast. Im going to call my dealer this afternoon and ask him if this is normal. I have a feeling that this AA doesnt like to have a preamp in its way.
