Stereophile test CD2 In/Out of Phase test:question

I just noticed that on Stereophile Test CD2,on the second track that shows in-phase and out of phase recording ,if you switch speaker wires on the amp end you will still get the test play thru your speakers as if you had a non-inverted phase.The test sounds identical not depending if you changed phase of your system or not.Please,explain why this is happening?
Herman, I have checked seven test records and cds that I have, and you are right, they all suggest reversing leads on one speaker. I guess this is why I have always concluded that at least for the test record or cd, that my system is in absolute phase. I must admit that I wonder why such trivial information is so often provided. I do have one, however, that plays three cuts both in absolute absolute phase and out.

There is a vagueness of the image on some recording when they are out of polarity.

I cannot be held responsible for your listening too loudly. If you had polarity right, it would have blown out the candle at your volume level. Remember this if you ever have another fire in your listen room.
Tbg... JBL LF drivers are also phased backwards from the rest of the world. I actually experienced this when wiring up some 15" JBL subwoofers together with some 12" subwoofer drivers of a different brand, and thought that I had screwed up the wiring at the driver inside the enclosure. They went opposite ways. Subsequently I read about it.
El: While i'm sure that you know this, all woofers should displace air in the same direction for best results, regardless of how the manufacturer has them labeled. I assume that you corrected this? Sean
Sean, I would think it would be all woofers facing the same direction should pulse together.

It is curious why JBL would mismark the woofers. Maybe in the original design for which they were used the mid-range and treble were deliberately out of phase with the woofers.
Tbg..."Mismark"? JBL probably thinks they are right and the world is wrong. And this is ALL JBL drivers not just the ones I use (according to what I read). It is purely arbitrary anyway, and as Sean says you just connect wires accordingly.