I got in to an argument with a friend on the preferred connection. I know the tecnical differences between them. But does anyone know of a sonic difference? Hm...

Is there any? If so, why?

rca bnc the same to me in digital app. rca verses xlr is a differ like on amp ,pre, and so on.xlr good for long run of wire.they are two diff monsters as in connection app.xlr locks bnc locks,wbt rca locks .you should have a talk with your friends about why they cost so much.like does a 1500.oo rca cable sound better than a 99.00 xlr cable..lol
Of course only the XLR can be used for balanced lines, and balanced XLR should not be compared with unbalanced RCA. By the way, there is no reason why XLR could not be used single ended. There are also "phone plugs" of various sizes that can be either single ended or balanced. And this is just what is common here in the USA. My CarverPro amp provides for something called a "Euro" connector.
I think XLR are best for longer cable run due to less noise due to cancelation. However, for shorter runs, say 1M or less, I think it depends on whether the "from" and "to" components contain fully balanced circuitry. Usually these are higher end, and more expensive since it requires double the parts, due to L+, L-, R+ and R-, e.g. Krell, Levinson preamps, etc. Most components convert balanced to single ended as the first step in the input stage, so If your runs are short, it shouldn't matter.

I believe this can go on for a while. And I see a lot of the arguments me and my friend where having.

The thing is that a/most RCA does an electric ´bump´ as it transfers the signal. The BNC does not, or at least has a lesser ´bump´, according to some cable companies. BNC is therefore classed as a ´better´ connection. But less practical. ( Do not know if XLR does the bump ).

We all agree on XLR´s ability on noise-reduction for longer runs.

RCA or BNC then? What to be prefered?

Any thoughts?
Rannagarden...NO! We do NOT agree that XLR connectors reduce noise. BALANCED INTERFACES are more noise resistant than unbalanced, so IF you have a problem with noise pickup (and this should only occur with runs of 50 ft or more such as are common in Pro sound applications) a balanced interface would be preferred. The balanced interface can be implemented with other types of connectors as well as XLR.

Clue me in...what is an electric bump? Do they grind also?