Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Glad to know that you are now concentrating on music, not on problems any more. Mine has gone back to France for the software upgrade. How long is the burning period?
Lall : gone back to France ? Im surprised your dealer couldnt do the software upgrade himself. What kind of problems did you have with it ?

Ive clocked in around 150 hours on mine and its still getting better. I think im close to its peak performance, but still not quite there. Manufacturer told me it should be fully broken in at the 200 hour mark. That currently matches my observations.

Brand new player and they sent it back to France? Wow so much for Globe Audio standing behind the player and doing an exchange.

Audio Aero had to have known of the software glicthes durning testing yet still chose to release the player?
Does it make you wonder what else they may have over looked because they felt pressure to get the player on the market?

How many Mk II's are in the country? I would guess under 100. Should the distributor not have contacted the dealers and had them get in touch with buyers so they could be told of the chip "upgrade" instead of the buyers having to ask then being told about it?

This player is on my short list of wanting to buy, but all of this makes me want to wait. For $8800.00 I guess I just expect a little better.
If the player had been bought through an Authorized dealer,there is no way Globe Audio would not stand behind their product.If it went back to France it is because it was bought out of the country or from a non authorized dealer,which goes back to my original post.So buying a used one or demo piece which are advertised here,or do not originate from the distributor(Globe Audio), is a big gamble.
Well, gamble or not, I bought mine through a dealer in Italy last month (willing to take a risk for such a good price!) and knock on wood, I have not had any of the problems listed in these threads. It appears I have the new chip because my readout says "Read CD". I've had mine burning in around the clock for the past 16 days and the most noticable difference started at 280 hours into it. Now it is sounding so open and warm. I'm in awe! At first I was skeptical that it would improve as much as it has. At this point, I can't be more thrilled!