Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Just to understand, you are not sending a 5.1 movie or dts cd disk or multi chn to the CAP via the coax correct ?..also, see if your DVD player is set to PCM output, and also has the ability to output 96khz..if so, enable those.

When Selecting the co-ax in, keep in mind the output is via the analog outs of the CAP...

hope that helps..

Badwisdom, I'm really curious about the P3 software as I seem to be experiencing different behavior with the transport than others are reporting. Perhaps the different functionality with the previous track selection is an indication of the P3 software???????

Tim, I believe the source of your problem is probably as Matt has described. The Capitole is not (yet anyway) capable of decoding 5.1 sources and requires the input device to deliver a PCM signal.
That is funny my old Accuphase DC-330 would accept a coax input from my DVD player and produce two channel sound- keep in mind the dc-330 was strictly a two channel product as well. I checked the back of the DVD player and above the coax and toslink output it says Bitstream/PCM, any thoughts on that? I have two dvd players a cheaper Toshiba and a 9000es and neither work(both worked on the accuphase). This is really quite unusual.
the P3 software and latest EPROM has many features, only two of which i am aware of at this time :

- possibility of choosing between a bar volume display, or a numeric volume display
- Init CD phase no longer exists, the player initialises instantly

Thats all i know for now

make sure(and this is not intended to sound like Im talking down to you, but make sure you have slected the correct coax input in the front.. does it say "coax 24/192' and does it click if you stop the DVD player??

Other then that... Make sure the DVD internally, and I am talking the user menus, is set to PCM. and als not to worry, the CAP does accept 96khz output also..

next step.. tech mine works great !