Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length

I am faced with either running long interconnect cables from the receiver to the external amp with short speaker cables or long speaker cables with short interconnects. The total length will be about 25 feet. Which scenario would be better?

Actually, a very deep amp from front to back or speakers that are about 20ft deep should solve your delima nicely!

Sorry, couldn't resit.

You'll probably get answers from both camps here. My experience tells me 9 times out of 10 short speaker cables, longer I/Cs. Reason: Long I/Cs are typically being driven by an active source typically feeding an active load. With speaker cables, they are driven by an active source (the Amp) feeding a passive load (the speakers).

Hope that helps a bit Icsi.

Yes, it's been debated at length, to no resolution, which is a good indication that it doesn't matter all that much. If it's more convenient to do it one way rather than another, do it that way and don't worry about it. Apologies to those for whom worrying is the whole point. ;-)