Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
discovered couple days ago my RCA outlets are labeled backwards on my Mark 2?
Tireguy: I am wondering whether it would be a good thing to place a puck under each BDR cone. I read somewhere that BRD cones + puck underneath may give about 75% of performance of the BDR shelf. Has anybody tried this?
Lall- Me and another capitole owner are going to compare the differences with the shelf from BDR and my little half spheres- he has the shelf so I am sending him some sorbothane in the mail and he will compare it with out the shelf, on the shelf and the shelf AND sorbothane. But you are right from the book that came with the capitole it holds the puck in high regards. I am looking forward to hearing the results.
Tireguy, thanks for the info.

Are you refering to the AudioQuest "Big Feet" type half-circle pods? I think these are made from Sorbothane, yes?

I have my Capitole on the Vibra-Pods, on a Sanus stand, which has "independent" shelf isolation, but am always wondering about other/different combinations. Anyone tried the "Dead Ball Isolators" ? from Acoustic Dreams? A friend informed me that these things are phenomenal.
Tireguy: Are the pucks, mentioned in the Capitole book, which may be placed underneath each BDR cone of the Capitole the same puck used to lock the CDs or are they two different products?