Life expectancy of Interconnects & Speaker Cable?

Is there a life expectancy or effectiveness life of interconnects and speaker cable?

How much better are current state of the art cables than state of the art cables of five years ago?

Would a five year old state of the art cable hold it's own against today's best? Why or why not?

Is it a good thing to be using ten year old speaker cable or interconnects?

Be honest - how many components do you still have in your setup that are more than 10 years old?
Anyway - assume 10 years for average cables, better ones could be double. In 10 years time or at least in 20, much better technology will exist, more vodoo or even new types of cables (HDMI and all the others that will follow).
If you have a "scrap" box, like I do, with old cables then try to take one that you used to use (but dont any longer) and try to listen. Did that with some old ones, and the sound was horrible..
I cannot say for sure if cables wear out , however if you have any Garden Hose cables {maybe even Power Cords } , if the are not properly braced , and hang at 90 degree angles, I believe the connectors can be easily stressed over time.
For me the whole world of audio is totally dependent on how much money I have available. I'm always going to upgrade to as much as I can reasonably afford. So, If I have a component that's only six months old and I fell into some cash, I'm upgrading as much as I can immediately.

I'm no scientist by a long shot, but for no reasons based on any facts, it seemed to me that cables should last for at least 20-40 years and still be effective. They look so simple!

I haven't owned the equipment in my system for 10 years, but the majority of my equipment was manufactured 10 years ago or longer. I can't afford to buy any of this stuff new.