ultra low capacitance cables

Please recommend some ultra low capacitance cables . From high dollar to cost no object. I need to re cable and my new preamp suggests these cables. Thank you to all who take a moment to help me.
Brainwater...'less than 850 ohms' is quite high even for a tube preamp, although I have seen 2000 ohms quoted. High output impedance makes you sensitive to cable capacitance (HF roll off) and noise pickup. When I was into tubes, 600 ohms was the common value for 12AU7 cathode followers. Solid state preamps run 50 ohms and sometimes less.
Thanks Sean , sure you know I am interested. Lets talk . You have my e mail address i think. Eldartford , your comments and help are always insightful and appreciated. Any suggestions?
1. DIY as Sean suggests (unless you just want to get rid of some money). You can buy wire and connectors just as good as what the high priced labels use.
2. Keep them short (again as Sean suggests).

With your tube gear I do think that the interconnects can affect sonic quality. I myself have good but not exotic interconnects because my stuff is all SS, 50 ohms or less.
Brainwater...Enough already! We all try to help in our own ways. My specialty, in case you haven't noticed, is to jump in when scientific principles are inappropriately cited to support some audiophile myth, that would be better justified as an article of faith.