Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 too foward and bright?

Does anyone else feel this player (MKI) is too foward sounding and bright? It sounds as though the voices are too foward and separate from the rest of the music. The sound is extremely clear, but almost too clear. It doesn't have that warm, rich analog sound that everyone raves about. I believe my player is fully burned in. How many hours are required to fully burn in this player? Does it get better with extended use? I have never heard of anyone complain of this. I would appreciate anyone's experience with this player. Thanks so much!
I've heard the aa mk I and II. (note: jtinn and I are friends).

Not bright nor fatiging at all. It's the smoothest, most analogue sounding cd player I've heard. The tube output stage is simply magical with a tube amplifier. You feel like that 3D, alive and harmonic quality of tubes is reaching all the way back to the source. I get that same effect with my tube phono stage. I've heard lot's of smooth cd players, but this one has extraordinary resolution as well.

I have not heard the EMC, but there are many good comments on it.
John_1- I have the MK I (running it direct to a pair of modded 160 wpc triode large tube monoblocks). I am considering the MK II- is it even better than the original, and if so, what sonic parameters did you find superior (OR, inferior)??
Although I have heard amazing things about this player, it is out of my financial league. What about the Audio Aero Prima? Anyone have experience or hear things about this baby? I'm nervous about buying cd players used. For the price of what a new Audio Aero Prima cost: can I do better? I'd appreciate feedback from you guys. Thanks in advance.
Warrenh, I saw a review of this on Audiogon recently. The guy had mixed feelings about it. Apparently it doesn't use the Anagram chips that are in the Capitole... Really, there aren't enough opinions out on this piece yet to make a solid decision without listening before.
Sorry guys, I posted the previous response by mistake...
I was talking about the Prima.