Brahm's g- minor piano quartet

at a loss here. as I don't like the amadeus, perhia, pollini , quartetto italiano, nor the ax ma stern laredo set. Help! Open to historical, or live performances too.
Beaux Arts Trio with Walter Trampler on Philips.
The best way to buy it is a budget 2 CD set that also includes the C minor and A major Piano Quartets.
It also has an unknown Trio attributed to Brahms.
Lists for only $19.99

The Philips 2 CD set is number 454 017-2
There's a historical version with Serkin & Busch on EMI (reference). You might like it.
Try the Guarneri Quartet with Arthur Rubinstein - fantastic!
(RCA 9026-63065-2
Or the Beaux Arts (Philips 454017-2) likewise GREAT!
Or DOMUS: Krysia Osostowicz,vi; Timothy Boulton,va; Richard Lester,vcl; Susan Tomes,p;
Good luck!
Other than Perahia, and the Amadeus Quartet; there is also an older one with Amadeus and pianist Emil Giles.
Gilels with Beethoven vs Budapest S.Q. vs the new recording on EMI (1-7-03) Vogt, Heimbach Chamber Music. The Vogt was recorded well and playing good, but too conservative for Butxers taste, I'm sure. Onto the Beethoven S.Q. with Gilels. the great Emils Gilels has a poetic touch and his piano has a beautiful tone to it, and the Beethoven Stings play well, the sound quality is poor due, like 1950's. But the pianist on the Budapest recording out plays Gelils in the 3rd movement opening, and not by alittle. And that most difficult passage to pull off right, in the opening 2nd movement, the Budapest takes slow vs the other 2, but definetly better's the other's faster attempt. Sound is poor on the Budapest (Bridge lable) due as well to year recorded, in the 50's. String sound on the recording is not near as good as the Vogt (EMI). But knowing Buxter, he's after performance vs sound quality.