Ideas? PowCords for deHavilland GM70 SETamps

My system is about as complete as I could want it. Some tell me Power cords make a huge difference. Hopefully someone with experience w/ S.E.T. amp could lend me a hand. These are 50 watters. They currently are using Zu Mother power cables to a Sound Application Power Conditioner. Source is APL 3910 (tube output) CDP direct to them. Zindak Gold speaker cables and Green Mountain Continuum 3 speakers.
Thanks in advance, Tom
I've had good results with Audience Power Chords on my Antique Sound Labs 1009-DT 845 monos (60w/ch).

That said, I recently switched to Silent Source power cords and couldn't be happier. They present a quieter background than the Audience cords. Also, there's more air and definition in the mids and highs. These aren't huge changes, but they are noticeable when you compare the Audience and Silent Source side by side.

6ft Audience cables are approx. $250 here on A'gon. 6ft Silent Source cables are approx $375.

Two great power cords, two different prices. Hope this helps.
I can tell you that I went from Zu Cable Mother to VH audio Flavor 4 and enjoy a considerable upgraded sound. Great cords for a bargain price!
I got my Bel Canto SET40 plugged into the wall with a VH Labs Flavor 4 and a Virtual Dynamics Nite on my source. I like what I'm hearing! Big, open sound!
I have always found a good isolation transformer helps on SET and OTL amps. A shielded PC is preferred, IMO. I use the Pure Note PC, FWIW.