Tara Labs Master Gen 2+ speaker cable

Does anyone out there know anything about the Tara Labs Master Gen 2+ speaker cable, and how it differs in construction and sound compared to the Master Gen 2 or the Air 3. All I know is, they were manufactured for a short period of time, when Tara was phasing out the Master Gen 2 and moving into the Air series. I'm waiting to hear from all you Tara connoisseurs.
I practically gave away 2 pair of gen 2's a few years back in a mistake. Mine also were clear and you could see the wires. This was an excellent cable and the move to Decade speaker cable wasn't much of a jump ( as compared to the complete superiority of the Decade interconnects to the Master Gen. II's.) About the only thing I noticed about the 2+ was a change in the jacket. It was more whitish. Sound wise---couldn't hear a difference.
It is my understanding that the Air 1 is equivalent of the Decade. I do know I never liked the Air 3. It was a drop off in sound.
Hey Bigtee,
If you are the one who lives in Goose XXX, SC then I was the fellow who bought your Master Gen II interconnects way back when!! I still have them & really like them. Now your comment on the Decade being clearly superior to the MS Gen 2 might have put a bug in my head!!! ;-)
I also use the Master Gen 2 speaker cables - excellent stuff!
Bombaywalla, I prefer the Master gen 2,although the
Decade is smoother, but the master gen 2 in my system
before is more full sounding.But the two are very
Bombaywalla, Yea, that's me. The MG II are excellent cables in their own right but the Decade is a more refined cable. The MG II is a little more lively sounding and does not have quite the liquidity through the mids. The MG II work really well in a system that is a little laid back-they bring good things to life.. BUT, both of these cables are excellent. It would depend on your system if you would want the change. The Air I is suppose to be the replacement for the Decade.
The MG II speaker cables are pretty much the equal of the Decade speaker cables. They are very, very good.
Just don't jump the gun too quick. Those MG II's interconnects make good music and you might not want that little extra refinement!