speaker cable that will soften the highs

Is there a cable out ther that will give a good deep tight bass, but be a little soft on the top.
To soften the highs, Robert Harley in his "Complete Guide to High-End Audio" suggests less "toe-in" on the speaker placement. It worked for me with my Taylo Reference Monitors. Much cheaper than a cable change. Joel
Hi Russ, how are you doing?

I'm using MIT T2's with Thiel speakers and am vary happy with the set up.

MIT 750 Shotgun Speaker Cable will soften the highs and throw out a very nice sound stage,and still give you fantastic bass and midbass fullness.
I auditioned many of Cable Companies recommended darker cables in the under $500 price range. For my system, the Purist Audio Museaus's worked best. It gave me all the smoothness, warmth and fullness of the Cardas in that range, while sounding completely natural across the spectrum.

In fact I compared the Museaus's to cables in two price categories above them and still kept the Museaus.