Subwoofer LFE or .1 Cable choices?

One I found is MonsterCable Ultra Series THX® 1000 Subwoofer...

Any other choices?
I have always liked Tributaries "Y" split cables, w/ Rel subs for .1 LFE. Don't get too hooked on the whole "THX" thing, as past your processor it's all B.S.! IMHO
You might want to check out Anaylysis Plus. Ive been thru many sub-cables and found theirs to be of excellent performance for the price.
I have had good sound from the Better Cables Silver Serpent and not that expensive.
The hand crafted Active Subwoofer cable is the latest in the Synergistic Research arsenal. After the accolades and rave reviews we have received for our (X2) series of cables we were urged to develop a subwoofer version.

Once the initial design was met we applied our Active Shielding technology to the unique signal transfer that low frequencies require.

This combination of cable and component has exceeded our expectations, which tend to be very high anyway.

There are four different "Active" Synergistic Sub Woofer cables the Synergistic line.
3 meters
Alpha Sterling AS Subwoofer........ $ 269.00
Phase I Subwoofer.................. $ 349.00
Phase II Subwoofer ................ $ 550.00
Resolution Reference .............. $ 950.00

Our entry level Alpha Active subwoofer cable was given a 99 out 100 in a recent DVD ECT review.

Please contact Synergistic Research for more info.
(800) 578 - 6489