Best CD Player for under $5,000

I am currently using a Yamaha s2300 Universal Player into
a Proceed AVP2 Pre/Pro. I am getting pretty good sound,
but I suspect I can get better sound from my CD's with a
better CD player. I've seen a lot of enthusiasm for the
the Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D, the Linn Ikemi, and Wadia.

A Proceed PMDT might have some synergy with the AVP2
and it also plays DVD's, but I have heard mixed reviews
on this piece and I am pretty happy with the Yamaha DVD
Player [Which will also play SACD's and DVD-A's if I ever
get any]. Any experience and/or opinions with the PMDT
will be appreciated.

I don't want to buy anything unless it will seriously kick
the Yamaha s2300's tail sonically on redbook CD's, I am
willing to spend up to $5,000, and I am willing to buy used
to get higher quality for less money.


