Best CD Player for under $5,000

I am currently using a Yamaha s2300 Universal Player into
a Proceed AVP2 Pre/Pro. I am getting pretty good sound,
but I suspect I can get better sound from my CD's with a
better CD player. I've seen a lot of enthusiasm for the
the Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D, the Linn Ikemi, and Wadia.

A Proceed PMDT might have some synergy with the AVP2
and it also plays DVD's, but I have heard mixed reviews
on this piece and I am pretty happy with the Yamaha DVD
Player [Which will also play SACD's and DVD-A's if I ever
get any]. Any experience and/or opinions with the PMDT
will be appreciated.

I don't want to buy anything unless it will seriously kick
the Yamaha s2300's tail sonically on redbook CD's, I am
willing to spend up to $5,000, and I am willing to buy used
to get higher quality for less money.



Hififred, if you love your Cary, you don't have to go higher $ wise to get the same (or more satisfying) sound. I wound up purchasing the Audio Aero Prima. $2200 list. More satisfying, to me, than players costing more than twice as much. peace, warren
digital front ends will evolve in the next two years beyond our imaginations...unless you want a $5,000 museum piece,try to spend a lot less. i recently had the opportunity to compare a tivoli cd player which sells for $200 to three current digital battleships that sell for $2000 to $ was embarrasing how similar they played all types of 2 channel music. with hi def dvd audio and video being a certainty, don't overspend....
Speaking of digital evolvement: How so? What's in the pipeline? Where are we headed? I'm very interested, as I'm sure all the audiophools, out there, are. Maybe they know, but I haven't a clue. Thanks in advance. peace, warren
EMC-1 UP. Can be bought new from a guy in New York for $3300 on eBay once in awhile....