Krell KBL or KCT, CAST cable or balanced cable?

Hi all,

I have a Krell KBL hooked up with a pair of FBP 350Mcx using Transparent Reference balanced cables. I am thinking to upgrade to KCT. My question is, does KCT sound superior to KBL? If I bought a KCT, should I hook it up with FBP350Mcx using Cast or my existing transparent cables? Should I expect difference between Cast and the transparent cables? Your help are very much appreciated. Thanks!

KCT will blow away the KBL. Keep the Transparent cable you have, but then get a pair of Transparent CAST cables, not Krell CAST cables and write me back with your findings. I had the same set up at one time and the Transparent CAST destoyed my Transparent Reference XLR interconnects. Good luck and enjoy the dynamics and low end bass detail. Again, avoid Krell's cable as it doesn't sound as good as CAST from Transparent.
From the original Krell literature (circa 2000) about CAST they stated that the characteristics of the cable would not affect the sound. In fact, this was claimed as a specific feature of CAST. At that time only Krell sold CAST cables. Later on Transparent started to offer more expensive CAST cables. I wonder why these "more expensive" cables sound better ?
I have heard both the Transparent and the Krell CAST cables in my system (KCT, 400cx) and there was no difference, as auditioned by myself, audiophile wife, and musician friend. Due to the current domain in which this connection works, high impedance ouput feeding a low impedance input, the conductor does not have an impact on the sonics. I stuck with the more cost effective Krell CAST cable.
Anfield, have you listen with your own ears? Until you have, you cannot claim wire is wire. I owned Krell for years and I know that is what Dan said in his advertising pitch, but it just ain't so! The Transparent CAST cable sound superior and I should know, I had them both with the KCT, 28c, 750 monoblocks.
Transparent CAST is definitely superior. I have been using the Transparent between my KPS-28c and KCT and the sound is unbelievable musical!! When I switched back to Krell CAST - all the magical sounds dis-appeared. I am looking for another Transparent to go between KCT and 400CX (currently using Standard Krell CAST). If you have a pair that does not do anything in your system - email me. Thanks!