The candy may taste sweet, but you've gotta pick it up from the floor when ol'
Goombah drops it casually, with that innocent expression on his sloped face.
I'm tellin' you now, don't bend down to pick up the candy. Make haste outta'
here while you still have the chance...that is unless you wanna be heretofore
know as "Throbbing Gristle"! I say run boy, run! It ain't just the
voices that's gonna' be coming forward towards you! Michael Jackson ain't
got nuthin' on the Green Man!
Goombah drops it casually, with that innocent expression on his sloped face.
I'm tellin' you now, don't bend down to pick up the candy. Make haste outta'
here while you still have the chance...that is unless you wanna be heretofore
know as "Throbbing Gristle"! I say run boy, run! It ain't just the
voices that's gonna' be coming forward towards you! Michael Jackson ain't
got nuthin' on the Green Man!