Good one-box CDP or good DAC?

I have a McIntosh MCD 205 changer that makes great music. However, when I sit in the sweet spot to do some critical listening......I feel I could use a bit more. My question is: in the 2K price range (new or used), should I go for a one-box CDP or a DAC and use the 205 as a transport, in order to get that extra notch of emotionally moving sound?

BTW: I am keeping the 205 regardless because I want this MAC changer to remain in the mix, so selling it is not an option. Thanks,
The 205 has a static pop noise problem when used as a transport. The Shanling is a great one box Cd player - I own one - I also own the 7008 changer. I also have an Electrocompaniet player that I use as a transport with the Kora Hermes DAC which is a great Dac regardless of the price being reasonable which it is. I am not sure of the exact problem with the 205 as a transport but a dealer told me this when I was about to get one. Another Goner also relayed the issue to me. You may want to check with Mac about it.
I am aware of this problem as well, and have been assured by MAC that they can and will correct any problem if I encounter it.

I am really wondering whether I should go for a one box, like a Cary 303/200, Marantz SA-14, one of the Sony 777's, or hold out a while until I can get a good used Levinson 39 cdp or a Levinson 360 DAC. I am trying to listen when I can....its also a great problem to have.....but I trust my fellow Audiogoner's general remarks and recommendations.
I would not assume that a new CD player is the solution. CD itself often leaves one feeling like one could use a little 'more'! Then said audiophile listens to some analog and...ahhhh, there it is.
For emotionally moving sound you might audition one of the Audio Note dacs!