OCOS speaker cable by Sumiko

Just took delivery on the most fantastic sounding speaker cable.OCOS coaxial speaker cable.Anyone else enjoying this marvelous stuff????
It's been around for a long time but not reviewed for quite some time.A real sleeper.
At 10.00 per foot and 40.00 per adaptor termination for each end its worth its weight in gold.
Looking for (Detail,Detail,Detail)and fantastic realism this is the stuff.
Beats those high priced hyped cables hands down.Its not carried by tons of dealers.After doing some research I found the (only) place carrying it.
AUDIO OUTLET in New York.Call 914-666-0550 and ask for Frank
he is the owner.
You will not be disappointed,and you didn't spend thousands on cables.
I have an 8 ft. pr. too. I actually thought it was musical but lacked treble detail compared to my Cardas Golden Cross. The Cardas sounds a bit more human/natural with a better sense of timing. Good for the money though.

BTW I got mine from Audio Outlet too!
i used OCAS many years ago. as i recall i had the original avalon eclipses then, driven with a JRDG model 8. the OCAS wire was the most constipated, dark and detailess that i ever actually owned. think i upgraded to cardas golden cross, also long gone.

Please elaborate on your system. I found OCOS to be the worst value in Hi End cable, (in my system).
Maybe you've just got one of those "synergy" events going on in your system.....


I guess this means you can correspond again?
I have been using OCOS speaker wires for about 6 years. To get the most out of this wire it is recomended that you use a double run much the same as if you would biwire a speaker. The bass greatly improves with this configuration. Again the configuration is not about biwiring, rather using more wire to conduct the signal. It's a great match with Thiel speakers. Make sure you use the Red couplers. I've heard the black ones that are available are for certain speakers who's tweeters are prone to "ringing". The blacks attenuate this. Use the same color on both ends of the wire.
OCOS Working fantastic in my system.Sorry to hear the poor preformance in other systems.
Some of my stuff is:
Source:Naim CDX2 w/XPS2
Speakers:Vintage Infinity RS1b's
I guess the stuff is really super system dependent.
Hope everyone let the stuff settle in at least 200hrs.
The other thing with the OCOS is that it does let you know how your equiptment really is.Very revealing stuff.If you have a so/so CDP?? thats the sound you will hear.Same holds true expecially with amps.The cable does not (color,mask) the sound.Will surely let you know the weakness in your system.