CDP volume, what's best, analogue or digital?


I'm thinking of selling my preamp and go for a Cd player with volume control to drive power amp directly. What are the main differences between analogue and digital volume control? Is one better than the other?

This has been discussed at length, both here and at Audio Asylum. Do a search for more info.

Conventional wisdom is that digital volume controls affect performance, and that analog volume controls are best if going direct to amp.

Another option is to get a passive preamp with transformer volume control such Bent Audio, Placette, Consonance Django (and several others).
You need to define exactly what is meant by a "digital" volume control. Various mechanizations of volume control are possible where the volume level is digitally selected, but the signal processing remains purely analog.
Eldartford- I think he is refering to digital being the likes of Accuphase, Wadia, etc which everyone knows the volume control is done in the digital domain. As were units from the likes of Audio Aero, Resolution Audio, Cary use a volume control employed in the analog domain.

All of that being said I wouldn't even think about getting a player with digital volume control, having owned both there is no comparison- do you want to hear everything on the recording or not?? its really that simple. I am not saying that they won't ever get digital volume perfected but at this time it does not exist.