The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
Rsbeck, I see that you have alot of money tied up in equipment (Meitner Emm Labs, Levinson, Monitor Audio), but there's no mention of interconnects and your speakerwire is listed at $100. Have you tried any of the upper end cables- interconnects and speakerwire? You sound as though good quality wire doesn't matter much. Or am I understanding you incorrectly? There's alot of people that would disagree with you.
>>You sound as though good quality wire doesn't matter much.<<

Let's be specific. You select the particular speaker cable and tell me what
makes it worthy of adulation.

As you can see by the rest of my gear, money is no object. I can afford the
most expensive cables out there and would if I were convinced they offered
superior performance.

I've looked into all kinds of cables, heard all the hype, and I haven't seen any
claim for "high end" cables that doesn't dissolve when
investigated. Most of the claims I see regarding high end cables aren't just
unfounded, they are laughable.

Speakers have a far more complex and difficult job to do. Listening rooms
commonly have large peaks and valleys -- and yet I see a lot of focus on

Cable companies have clearly done a masterful job of creating doubt in the
mind of the audio enthusiast about his/her cables. They do this by coming
up with bogus maladies and then you see these myths repeated until they
become accepted.

Next thing you know, you've got a lot of audiophiles feeling like they need
new cables -- when there is no evidence the old one had any problem, that
the new one will cure the allleged problem and without investigating other
areas where real problems are easily documented.

When someone asks for help, I think we can do better than that.

If *I* am going to solve a problem, I first want to make a good diagnosis, then
I want to make sure the "cure" is going to solve it.

I am going to focus on real problems rather than bogus ones that have been
made up by cable marketeers that have no basis in fact.
Rsbeck, First, let me say that I agree with you concerning alot of what you've been saying. I think that for total system improvement, room treatment and dedicated power- ( I noticed that you too have dedicated A/C lines.) are some of the biggest improvements that you can make. There was a major change in my system when I went to dedicated A/C; as much improvement as an upgrade in equipment. I tried powercords for my preamp a year ago, courtesy of the Cable Company. The powercords ranged from $700 to $1500 list. I tried Acoustic Zen Krakatoa, Acoustic Zen Gargantua, Shunyata Research Taipan, and the Elrod Signiture 2. All these cables changed the system sound, but in the end I preferred the stock cable that came with my Bat vk5i. But... at least I tried these products to see what they sounded like in my system. With all due respect, analytic research is good, but, for me, I prefer to listen with my own ears.
Talon: While cost may not be an object to Rsbeck, he refuses to listen for himself and draw his own conclusions, even if it costs him nothing to do so. Instead, he chooses to regurgitate the "hype" that he has been fed by various cable naysayers based on poorly conducted and less than thorough tests. In effect, his responses may come across as both sensible and reasonable in approach, but his actions speak louder than his words. Sean
That's the thread where Sean claimed he could hear the difference between
flat and .1db down at 20Khz. Sorry, but this is *exactly* the type of thing
that comes with the cable phenomenon.

I'm supposed to trade in my cables because they're .088 db down at 20 Khz
when driven into a 4 Ohm load?

Let's join the real world.

"The psycho-acoustic data shows that for pure tones at 16kHz the smallest
average detectable difference in level is 3.05 dB. The findings were based on
individuals 20 to 24 years old that had normal hearing to 20 kHz." -- Audio,
July 1994

.1 db down at 20Khz is inaudible, folks.

Anyone basing any theory on the notion that he/she can hear this as an
audible "roll-off" has already lost my attention

Ooops -- Sean won't take a test to prove this amazing hearing acuity?

Wow -- what a surprise!

Exactly what I would expect.

Come on, folks, if your BS meter isn't redlining by now, you need to have it

What are the properties of the new cable he suggests?

How does it solve this non-existant problem?

Who knows?

How *does* one solve a non-existant problem?

This is exactly what I am talking about.

I think we can do better, folks.