The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
I do not have any such position that all cables sound the same.

The position I have taken is that if someone comes to this forum looking for help, the best thing we can do for him/her is to look at the entire system, including the room.

Sorry, but I disagree with the notion that -- because a poster thinks he/she needs cables to solve a problem that we have to limit our suggestions to cables.

If I post a problem to this forum, I expect to get suggestions from people who follow all different approaches. It is up to me to sift through them all and make a list of things to audition, approaches to consider, etc.

The first thing is to try to make a diagnosis of the entire system to see where the problem might originate.

If a problem is identified, we should investigate a little to see whether or not the disagnosis is sound. If a solution is offered, we ought to be able to debate whether or not it will solve the problem.

If only cable enthusiasts are allowed to respond, it gives a false impression -- that there is a concensus that cables are the problem and the solution. Since we don't all feel this way, there will be debate.

The controversy isn't going to go away no matter how much we may wish it so.
It would seem that Rsbeck that you're here only to refute and recruit. I'm just not interested in playing king of the hill. Changing the channel now, thanks...
Sorry, Rsbeck. By the time I posted my comments, you had written a second time.

The first thing is to try to make a diagnosis of the entire system to see where the problem might originate.
If a problem is identified, we should investigate a little to see whether or not the disagnosis is sound. If a solution is offered, we ought to be able to debate whether or not it will solve the problem.

I certainly agree. Perhaps I misread your earlier posts, because I came away with the impression that when it comes to cables, your conclusions circumvent the need for any debate at all.

Each of us responds to the author's question based upon our personal experiences. And in my experience, moving from copper to silver cables produced exactly the result sought by Harnellt. I say that except for tying up a few bucks in used cables, he has nothing to lose by experimenting. If it is indeed a debate at hand, then such discoveries are hardly settled. There are no absolutes that apply to every one of us, except maybe what'll happen if you change an outlet without first cutting the power.

All I'm trying to say is that the findings of others are not nullified by your (or anyone else's) contentions. If I interpreted your comments as such, I apologize.
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I have to agree with Rsbeck -- completely. Putting aside the placebo factor, in all truth you'd be hard pressed to find something better that -- drum roll, please -- 14 gauge low voltage lighting cable from Home Depot. Approximately 15 cents a foot. Well-shield, super-well constructed, very pure copper, does the trick. Don't believe me? Roy Allison and the fine folks at McIntosh all have the same thought. Power cables? Give Dusty at CI Audio a call -- he's an extremely thoughtful, honest designer and recommends, drum roll, please, normal computer power cords from Radio Shack.

Yes, a dedicated line is a great idea, and a better outlet is certainly a good idea.

Otherwise -- snob and placebo factor aside -- the money one would invest in expensive cables would make much more of a difference, as Rsbeck has said, in components, especially your amp and speakers.