The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
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I'm in complete agreement. Now will you PLEASE accept that nomination to the Supreme Court? A soothing voice of reason, you are indeed.
My point earlier was that if he does want speaker cable that's brighter, we
ought to make sure he gets one that *is* brighter. Some things are certainly
measurable. If there is a cable that is audibly brighter, it will show on a
frequency response chart. Before laying down the dough on the cables, we
ought to get a chart and see the frequency response. Any cable manufacturer
who wouldn't provide this kind of info would not get my business! Many
people experience a little brightness as extra detail -- no harm in that. But, if
brightness is his desire, why *not* throw a graphic equalizer into the mix of
things to consider? Yes, the room could also be deadening the sound.
Maybe he would prefer some speakers with metal dome tweeters, or with a
bump in the high end. Let's look at everything. Put it all on the table and
compare -- pick the best strategy.
I'm humbled by your efforts. Maybe they were clear before, and if so, sorry I missed your intention in the beginning.
>>Is all this true? who knows.<<

Talon -- we agree on a lot of things! Congrats on your system, I'm glad you've found stuff with which you're happy.

Was your FTM4-sg shielded?

Did you replace some other gear and is that why you were able to switch to balanced interconnects?

Are you saying you were already a purchaser of Siltech interconnects, bought more and you were unaware that Siltech's major marketing angle is that they claim to reduce EMI and RF inteferrence with their shielding?

Again -- I am glad you're happy and I am not going to try to talk you out of those cables -- that ain't what I am about at all.

But, for me, I would want to see some of these measurements and comparisons to see what they're talking about.

On their web-site, they claim ---

"For the first time in studio cable history, many of these improvements can be measured and proven."

Yet, they fail to give measurements or any back-up to "prove" their claim.

Shielding against EMI and RF is extremely common in interconnects.

Sort of like Vitamin D in milk.

There's nothing in their literature to explain how other cable shielding is noisy, which cables they are comparing, etc.

If what they say is true, I wonder why they wouldn't include this information.

They claim it can be measured proven, then they don't measure or prove it.

All pretty vague.