The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
I bet his hearing is even better than over 20khz!

Boa2 -- good call on the Aquatimer, that movement is a beast. You're right, there is something to the lux goods thing. Still, I'm pretty damn happy with my cheapo cord...!
Boa2 -- if you're into wine, I can do better than Chianti. I'm looking forward to hearing your system!
If you can believe it, a friend of mine has the Destriero Scafusia in rose gold. Now there's a Picasso for your wrist!
And I say, whatever makes you happy is a good thing. I only wish that Top Ramen was a viable substitute for my sushi cravings. It would save me a lot of $$$.

It will be fun. I'll leave the caliber of wine up to you.
Everyone have a good weekend,
Rsbeck: As i've mentioned in other threads, i was able to discern the audible differences between two different gauges of zip cord in a blind test. I did this using very low quality gear, music that i had never heard before and a listening area that all types of potential outside influences in it. Not only could i consistently tell the differences between Cable A and Cable B under such adverse conditons, i was able to specify which cable was the heavier gauge zip cord and which was the lighter gauge zip cord. If both of these cables measure well below the thresholds of audibility, like you claim and your statistics show, and i had all of the "negative factors" mentioned above going against me i.e. lack of familiarity in every conceivable category, how is it that i was able to do what i did in a matter of seconds???

As far as how far i'll go to "save face", am i supposed to have one point of view in one thread and a different point of view in another thread? From what i can tell, i'm the one that is willing to put my claims and listening skills to the test. You won't even listen to some cables at your leisure within the confines of your system with no expectations placed upon you. That doesn't seem to stop your from talking smack though.

As far as Nelson Pass goes, i surely didn't mention him to drop names. I mentioned an article that basically refutes your reference work that happened to be researched and written by Nelson Pass. Even though this article demonstrates the difference in amplifier loading characteristics, transient response, distortion and bandwidth, you still refuse to acknowledge it or comment on it. The fact that i had referenced that article at least a half dozen times prior to ever seeing your name in an Audiogon thread should also tell you something.

Why you keep quoting figures derived from the tests that have now been shown to be less than adequately researched and / or conducted is beyond me. The only thought that comes to mind in that area is that you will go to any lengths to save face. That is, except put your own beliefs and ideologies to the test. Obviously, it is easier to keep spouting the same rhetoric and appear to be consistent in hopes that nobody really realizes just how much dancing you're really doing.

With that in mind, i'll agree with you that you are consistent from thread to thread. Consistent in avoiding the issues and promoting an ideology that you're not willing to put to the test.

On top of being full of hot air, you sidetracked this thread by introducing your "anti-cable" agenda and i responded in return. While i may agree with some of the comments that you made in this thread, don't blame me for making a suggestion that ran contradictory to the specific request for help. You did that, not me. When i called you to task for doing such and pointing out your agenda and unwillingness to actually stand behind your beliefs, that's when the thread went sideways.

I think that anyone with half a brain and a reasonable amount of familiarity with these forums can figure out what the real deal is here. One of us does have their tail between their legs and it's not me. I've accepted your challenge, provided technical rebutall that refutes the data that you've used as a point of reference and all you can do is continue to repeat the same garbage, try to discredit me as an individual rather than respond to the data presented and completely ignore my request to simply listen to some speaker cables.

As such, i'm not going to waste any more time trying to convince you of anything. You've done a fine job yourself of convincing everyone exactly what you do / don't know and what you are / aren't capable of. The fact that you had the easier side of the bargain and refuse to even attempt to carry that out says more than i could ever type in a lifetime. Goodnight and goodbye. Sean
>>i was able to discern the audible differences between two different gauges of zip cord in a blind test.<<

Wow. Between two different GAUGES?

I have already written that diggerent GAUGES can sound DIFFERENT.

More diversion.

>>If both of these cables measure well below the thresholds of is it that i was able to do what i did in a matter of seconds<<

1) Because it is easy to make bogus claims on the internet, like claiming one can hear .088 down at 20Khz.

2) This is irrelevant. This has nothing to do with your claim that you can hear inaudible amounts of attenuation. This is a non-sequiter. It is like saying, "if two plus two equals four, as you claim, then why are some apples red while others are green?"