What is the worst recorded CD you have?

I have a C,S,N&Y CD "American Dream" that I keep around to use as a reference because it sounds so bad!It is like they recorded it with a bag over the Mic's!
U2: Best Of. It's the one with the olive green cover.
Every song is just unlistenable on my system. Very bright and edgy sounding.
"The Best Of Dr.John" unbelievable I mean where did they get the master tapes a 500th generation dub cassette copy on a 10 cent tape which was left inside a car in the Sahara desert for a couple years before using them?
recieved or bought C,S,N&Y "American Dream"!Pretty good examples to what to lookout for!

Wonder how many some guy somelace has of the ones mentioned thus far.If there is a guy that has more than say 4 he probably has an old 70's reciever system along with speaker's that have tweeter's which have puncture holes in them and Mold growing on the Woofer's in a dank basement!Probably has people over also to show them his SOTA system!

Ignorance is bliss!
Telarc made a number of recordings of Robert Shaw and the Atlanta Symphony doing large scale choral works. They were uniformly awful--thick, opaque, congested on both ends--finding popularity only with people who were impressed by blatty organ pedal notes and huge banks of muddy choral sound (same folks who buy recordings of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). Some say that Shaw--a dying autocrat at the time--insisted on the mix.
