N802 speaker cable suggestion

thank you in advance for your suggestions:
i am currently running my N802 with:
rotel 1095
rotel 1066
planet 2000
AU24 ICs thru out
Tara Labs RSC prime 500 speaker cables
RGPC 600

i am in the process of upgrading the pre and amp in a next few months to MAC 352 and C42, thus, need your suggestions for a long term speaker cables. I really like the Au24 ICs, wondering if it is a good idea/match to use the au24 speaker cables. Thanks again, Ken
Audphile - I've been auditioning speaker cable through the Cable Company recently and I can tell you its the ONLY way to audition cable. After reading tons on these forums, I figured the Cardas line was the one for me. When Cable Co actually sent me the big box of cables, I discovered that the Cardas didn't work well in my system at all, and the best sounding was a brand I never even heard of before (Purist Audio).

As for the B&W's, I owned a number of them (especially the Matrix series) and can tell you the B&W's as a line just seem to demand biwiring to sound their best. I wouldn't even consider single wiring them.
If only I could reduce resistance to a complete non-issue in other areas of my life, my wife, my kids, my work.....oh well, gotta have a dream....
I've replaced my Kimber silver speaker cable that comes with the B&W Silver Signature's with Sonoran Plateau speaker cable. It's a lot more natural and less grainy than the Kimber's, although I didn't even realize the Kimber's were grainy until I auditioned the Sonoran's.

You can audition the Sonoran's for 30 days and see for yourself. Go to http://www.audiopoints.com and check them out.

AND, like LarryB suggested, please don't even consider any option except bi-wiring, and with two separate runs of cable. Don't get a bi-wired set please, there is a difference.
That's what I've noticed, as I mentioned in my earlier post, that single wire run doesn't do it for the Nautilus. I don't know how Audience thinks that the B&Ws are better with a single run of AU24. But I did send them an e-mail a while ago and got a response that my speakers, the N803, would not benefit from a bi-wire run. Hmmm. This totally contradicts with what I've found to work best when trying different cables. The way to go is bi-wire for the Nautilus, but I do agree there will be benefit from bi-wire run with 2 sets of cables. Never tried it though.
Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. I agreed with everyone that bi-wiring is the only way to go. My friend has great success w/his N803 and mac 352, and c42.
auphile1, i am going to try out the anticables first just b/c it is a small investment,$160 for a 8'bw, then AU24 and AZ.
If anybody else has success w/Anticables w/B&W speakers, or has success w/Au24 w/802, pls share and I would great appreciated. Ken