Need long ICs that sound like KCAG

I am moving my system around, and have to look at long (~24 feet) RCA ICs between my pre and power amps (both SS). Up to this point I was using a 1.5m pair of Kimber KCAG, which worked very well in my system. So without straying to far from that character of sound, what can I get in a long length that won't cost me an arm and a leg? In fact, the run is so long that in order to stay at much less than $1000 (my goal in this case) I may have to consider a "budget" cable. So what's out there nowadays that can be competitive with the KCAG, but in a much longer length and not that much more money? I'm willing to look at a used IC if it keeps me in the same sonic category.
Jond, thanks for your suggestion of the RS Cables. After I made my original post I checked some of the messages here in this forum and ran across them as a good mention, as well as Pure Silver Sound and Oritek.

I would like very much to hear a summary of your experience in comparing the Illumine` to the KCAG. I see you're running a tubed system. Mine is SS, and while I know that many consider silver ICs not to be ideal in a SS system I have been happy with the result. My amp and speakers (Bedini and Shahinian) seem to work well with silver ICs. Having said that, I will admit that I wish the KCAG did certain things better. I wish it did a better job in supporting the "meat" in the midrange (vocals especially). I wouldn't say there is no meat, but in comparison to the speed, clarity, and tonal presentation of the rest of the spectrum I wish it did better in this area.
Loonytunz, I toyed with the idea of going with the short IC / long speaker cable option, but I've tried longer speaker cables in the past (in another home) and have not been happy. It may have been a poor choice in speaker cable, or maybe my speakers and the cable did not match well, but I'm not sure I want to try that again. Also, my search here in Agon has allowed me to read through some of these discussions, and I seem to be in agreement with those who favor the long IC option.

Thanks for the links for the shielded alternatives. They seem to be way less expensive than the Homegrown / RS Cables / PSS / Oritek options. I see they are all copper. It would be interesting to see how something like this would sound in my system.