Should I Reduce Speaker Cable Length?

I am considering upgrading my speaker cables. I am currently using Signal Cable bi-wired. I have a GamuT D200 MKII driving Martin Logan reQuests (in which I have modified the crossovers with TRT DynamiCaps). I would like to go to Purist Audio Venustas speaker cables. I have my amp in a custom cabinet that I built, placed in the living room on the side wall. The speakers are at the end of the living room, on each side of the fireplace. The length of speaker wire I need is 20-22 feet to reach the farthest speaker. When I replace the wires, should I relocate the amp and reduce the speaker cable length to 10 feet?

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has the actual experience of trying different speaker cable lengths with the same brands (not necessarilly the Venustas, but your brand) of speaker cables and interconnects used in the comparisons.

Thanks for sharing your experience with shortening of cables. This inforation is exactly what I am looking for. With the cost of top quality cables, I don't want to be so set on maintaining my current configuration if I can substantially change the sound quality. Unfortunately, I am running only one amp, and would prefer to keep it off to one side. That would result in a minimum of about a 10 foot cable, but half the length I am currently using.


In my case (and a few others') the shortest spkr wires were the better configuration. If you can relaocate yr amp, it's probably best. Spkrs are a complex load & you don't want to add extra complexity (however small) with long wires.

The only question that arises is, does the pre or source have enough energy to drive the now long interconnect wire +load... sometimes, esp. in cases of passive attenuation, there are energy losses involved that make the sound anaemic.
Why not give it a try with 2sets (long & short) of borrowed spkr cables?

Thanks for sharing your experience. I have an Ayre K1x as the preamp, and I believe it can handle the longer run of interconnect.

Thanks again,
