PC differences

A friend of mine and myself got into a discussion of PCs (since I'm looking into getting one) He is of the school that there is no difference it just carries current, I of course disagree. Can the forum members help me with this? I admit I don't know the difference in Litz, sold or multi strand and why it creates such spectular differences. Also why is cryo treating also causing such a s buzz? I have an idea that it forces a stabialization of crystals but i need more help for that. Also for a cable to present a netural non colored difference, why do the camps differ so much between silver, high purity OFC and hybrid designs ex: silver over HP Copper, or Gold over Copper? I can understand differences in materials. And lastly why does an after market cable make such a difference? (opinion only; they ALL should be UL listed, it's an insurance saftey thing) Is due to resistance, voltage transfer or what? I know it's alot but learning is always helpful (just need it in some more simplistic terms please) Thanks to everyone.
I just experimented with few power cords.
PS Audio Prelude, Acoustic Zen El Nino, ZU Cable Birth and Bok models. I have to say that out of all this cable switching back abd forth, I came to this conclusion. It is not worth going crazy with super expensive power cords. In my system these power cords had following effect:
PS Audio Prelude:
With amplifier - better bas, but rolled off highs, midrange was not impressive either. Overall, I wouldn't stand using it on my amp for an extended period of time.
Same power cord on CD player was overall very well balanced with lowered background noise.
Acoustic Zen El Nino had exactly same effect as PS Audio Prelude. Great on CD player, but restricted highs, recessed midrange, but better bas on the amp.
ZU Cable Birth and Bok work equally good with CD and AMP.
My conclusion is that a lot of shielding on the power cord, such as on PS Audio and Acoustic Zen may be beneficial for a CD player or transport, but degrade the sound quality, especially treble and mids, of the amplifier. ZU Cable Birth and Bok are not as shielded as the other 2 cords I tried, so Birth, being a smaller gauge cord, is more suitable for CD and Bok worked really well with my amp.
All of the above is only my findings based on what I heard in my system. Of course it may have a different effect in someone else's system, but, here is my 2 cents.
Also, when you buy a power cord, make sure you can return it, or buy a reputable power cord such as Audience or Shunyata, this way you can always sell it if you don't get a level of improvement you wanted to achieve.
And if it metters, I founs PS Audio Prelude very flexible. Acoustic Zen El Nino was not as flexible as PS Audio, so if you have little room behind you components, you may want to go with a more flexible cord. ZU Cable power cords wer both flexible. Good Luck!
I agree with audphile1 the biggest improvement I found was with my CD player which is Sony SCD-1 with a PS Audio Statement Extreme.The improvements were a lowered noise floor and a much blacker background. I have the same power cord on my amp and have not noticed much of an improvement. However, I did not experience a degredation in sound quality as audphile1 did. With my pre-amp no difference was experienced again utilizing the same cord. As a side note my Amp and Pre-amp already came with decent power cords with hospital grade ends so maybe that is why I did not experience much if any improvement. I did not experiment with differenct brands of cords so I can not comment on the impact a different brand might have. So in general your friend might be correct depending on the quality of cord your equipment came with.

Hey Chuck, by the way I did return the PS Audio cord. Thinking what power cord to get next for my amp jus because it came with a 16awg cord and I think bigger awg cord such as a 10awg, wouldn't hurt. But at this point, I am not a big enthusiast for an amplifier cord. Well shielded AC cord, in my opinion, will have greater effect on a digital front end then on the amp. At least this is what I've able to determine in my system. Bigger difference, I would think, should be expected of a good power conditioner such as Shunyata Hydra then of any power cord...