Can IC's and Speaker Wire drastically affect bass?

Hello All: I'm very sorry for the long post. But I need input!
My System: McIntosh MA6900 Integrated (Flavor4 PC); Simaudio Nova CDP (Chimera AdvantageII IC/Flavor4 PC) plugged into Shunyata Hydra4 w/Copperhead PC; Definitive Technology BP 7002 speakers (Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable; FIM outlets

Listen to mostly Classic Jazz, some R&B and Progressive Rock

Room: Family Room (rectangular shape) Dimensions: 10ftx20ftby8ft
Speakers are near one of the short walls (brick fireplace) about 6 feet apart and 2 feet from the corners-but I tried closer to the corners and the bass improvement was not that substantial.

Speakers are full range towers with 12in. subwoofers coupled to two 12" infrasonic radiators./300watt amplifiers
Freq. Response: 15 Hz-30 kHz Efficiency: 92 db

These speakers are supposed to rock big bass: all the reviews and the owners reviews say so. But even when I turn up the bass level control past 12 o'clock on the sub amps the bass does not kick like it should. When I turn up the level controls past on o'clock the bass should be really kicking; it doesn't Even when I put my ear near the subs it just isn't putting out the bass spl's as expected. Since these speakers have powered subs, I had them checked at the dealer and they're OK. In fact, they sounded pretty good connected up to a Denon receiver.

I've tried Anthem, then Marsh and now McIntosh electronics and changed from a Jolida JD100 source to the Sim Nova. I added Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker wire a while back in search of more low end too. The one constant throughout all the changes has been the Chimera Advantage IC's.

I've spoken to Steve at Cable Pro and he has suggested twice that I try changing out various IC's and possibly PC's as well. He's not familiar with the Flavor4. (I have a JPS AC+ that I tried on my amps but it did not have an affect on the bass so I went with the Flavor4)Steve suggested I try the JPS again. He's also mentioned that the Analysis Plus can work very well in some systems but when it doesn't work it lacks bass.

Question: can changing IC's and speaker cable really change the character of a speakers bass power that much? Would I be better off just selling the speakers for some different bass mongers?

I'm willing to try Cable Pro but I'm also seriously considering some Ohm speakers. Want that bass from a full range speaker! And I'm no longer interested in trying subs. If I go with speakers, a home audition is a must. Your input would be appreciated! Thanks
Thanks to all of you: Philbrady: Yes, the 6900 is plugged into the wall. I have HSU subs hooked up to my pre-outs. Tigermtn: these speakers are not biwirable as other Def Techs have been. they are definitely wired in phase. Pmotz: Speaker placement is limited to moving them closer to the wall or closer to the corners or both. I've tried both. There are not other options; it's a small family room.

This evening I re-inserted a JPS AC+ PC that I had re-cooking on a dehumidifier. Removed the Flavor4 from the 6900. The AC+ immediately added more bass to the system- I thought it was fully burned when I first used it. Apparently not. I want to see what happens once it settles in. But for the 1st. time I heard a real improvement in bass from that cord after a lot of previous use.
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Tvad: thanks. Yes I have bass. In fact it has improved since I re-inserted a JPS AC+ on the Mac this evening.The Definitive Technology BP 7002 is a full range speaker. Each speaker has a 12in. powered subwoofer. The speakers are not connected to the pre outs, they are connected to the speaker terminals. But I know where you were coming from.
Foster, sounds like something is wrong. With your size room and speakers you should be dealing with too much bass. There pretty much has to be something weird going on. I vote for a wiring issue on the speakers. It is not unheard of for speakers to be wired out of phase see it even mentioned in reviews. If they are out of phase, the pressure waves from the left and right drivers can cancel each other through destructive interference. Have you tried changing the wiring to One of the speakers to see if that changes things? Fuse on the speaker amps? Good luck
1) Have you fed yr room dimensions into a room modes s/ware to see where nulls are (try Rives' site)?
2) Try positioning the spkrs @ 1/4 the way into the room
3) Check spkrs' internal polarity as suggested; use a small battery, the + pole should push the woof outwards.
4) Check the subs' amp sensitivity vs the Mac. You may need to adjust.
4) Finally, to get the wire issue out of the way, try zip, or any cheap single core wire available, as spkr cable. Unlikely, but you never know.